Ahmad Ari Aldino
Ahmad Ari Aldino is a PhD Candidate at the Centre for Learning Analytics at Monash (CoLAM), Monash University, Australia. He received BSc and MSc in Mathematics from Universitas Lampung, Indonesia. At the same time, he is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. He is also a member of the Data Science Research Group, which aims to generate insights from data, allowing us to discover meaningful patterns and make predictions to support decision-making. His research interest includes Applied Statistics, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, and Image Processing.
For prospective students: I am always looking for self-motivated students who have a strong interest in Data Science to work with me at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. If you are interested, please contact me via aldino@teknokrat.ac.id.
#About Him
- He is a TOEFL ITP & IELTS tutor with >8 years of teaching experience
- He is a full stack Data Scientist
- He is an active speaker on “How to study abroad talk”